Thursday, December 9, 2010

The indigenous people of Indonesia

Hi everyone,

I will now talk about a particular indigenous group that i have came across while doing my research on Indonesia. They are called the rainforest people. They are the indigenous people of Halmera. Halmera is one of the island that belongs to Indonesia. The island they are living in sparsely populated but however due to globalization they are affected. Coal mines are built on this Island and their way of lives are affected. After further research, i came to know that not only this particular tribe is affected by this but also there are others.

I found a research saying" Indonesia: Halt Mining that threatens indigenous people." The article says that 3 indigenous group are affected namely the Maggarai, Leragere and the Kedang indigenous people. The article said that due to the mining, 60000 people are being misplaced from their homes. Also their source of food are affected as miner contaminate their river. This is one of the issues that the indigenous people are suffering due to globalization and personally I dont like whatever that is happening as I feel so bad for the indigenous people. Imagine being displaced out of your home cause of another man's greed. I will leave you to think about that.

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